

Founded in 2019 in Kuta, Lombok, the Lombok Eco Flea Market (LEFM) was created to provide a central collective for the many talented eco-artisans and environmental organizations working in Lombok. 

As a community collaboration that empowers eco-preneurs to act and increase their professional development, we believe that global environmental problems can best be addressed through programs that are designed, implemented, and owned by local communities. And, since our inception, we’ve held true to this mission.

Created by the community, for the community.

Today, there are nearly 40 active companies under the LEFM umbrella providing them a place to sell their products, educate them, help them with marketing and improve their processes toward sustainable and environmentally-friendly production. All with a strong focus on involving women and communities in poverty. To date, this includes over 500 people supporting sustainable and environmentally-friendly businesses across Lombok!

With our work in development interventions, we emphasize building on local ecological and cultural knowledge and practice, facilitating innovation and introducing new eco-friendly techniques as appropriate. Through our local communities, we undertake activities that will make a significant improvement in our and their well-being, while generating global environmental benefits.



OUR GUIDING Eco-princIples

In order to gain the “LEFM Stamp of Approval,” each vendor must agree and adhere to the LEFM Guiding Principles. Designed to help promote the many sustainable businesses already in Lombok, these pillars were also created to help educate other traditional makers on ways to be more sustainable in order to keep Lombok green – as well as attract new buyers interested in making conscious consumer decisions.

LEFM is based on six guiding principles:

  • Women’s and Community Empowerment

  • Conscious Shopping / Fair Trade

  • Circular Economy

  • Earth-Friendly Products 

  • Local Roots 

  • Pop-Up 


Untuk disetujui sebagai anggota LEFM, setiap usaha harus mematuhi Prinsip Panduan LEFM yang tercantum di sini. Dirancang untuk mempromosikan usaha berkelanjutan yang beroperasi di Lombok, prinsip-prinsip ini juga membantu mendidik usaha lain tentang cara-cara yang dapat diterapkan untuk menjaga Lombok tetap hijau, serta menarik pelanggan baru yang belanja penuh kesadaran.



Whether you’d like to learn more, become a vendor or host a market, please contact us today! 

Jika Anda ingin mendapat informasi lebih lanjut, menjadi anggota, atau mengadakan pasar LEFM, silakan hubungi kami!

Phone / WA
+62 823-4118-0005